Sharp Ministries International
Piercing hearts with the Word and the Spirit

Portia was born again and grew up in a spirit-filled church and received a strong foundation in the Word of God. As an ordained minister, she has served in different roles of ministry and leadership within the local church for many years. However, the call of God to the foreign mission fields became more pronounced in 1999.
While holding a busy corporate position, Portia began to travel with her home church and other missionaries doing many short-term mission outreaches. She preached and trained ministers and leaders with a word that encouraged them and gave them tools to train others to reach their nations. Now, Portia has traveled to 12 countries on 4 continents, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in various venues. Yet the focus of this ministry is clearly, Kenya, Africa.
Having seen, while on previous trips to Kenya, some of the challenges that women face, Portia had a desire to go back and minister to ladies. In the Spring of 2015, planning and working with Kenyan Pastors, she returned and held the first of many ladies’ conferences, seminars, and small group meetings. Portia left the corporate world in 2016 to pursue her passion and calling to full time missions.
Portia continues traversing Kenya communicating with a variety of crowds. Whether it be to adult congregations, pastors and leaders, or women’s groups, she shares the plan of salvation, healing, the baptism in the Holy Spirit and teaching the truths from the Word of God, which will help believers to be strong, established and overcome in everyday living.