Sharp Ministries International
Piercing hearts with the Word and the Spirit


Kenya and Guatemala
Equipping and Encouraging Nationals
to reach their Nation
Kwale, Kenya
We had 20 Pastors from five different regions come together for a week of training . They all were excited to come at 8 am until 5 pm everyday to learn more from the Word of God.
The purpose of this Bible training was to help equip these pastors with a greater knowledge and understanding of the scriptures, providing tools that they have been able to take home with them and share more effectively as they teach and train their people.
We continue to receive good reports since these pastors have returned to their village churches. They have been encouraged and empowered as they gave themselves to the study of God's Word. What a mighty difference The Word of God is making.

Administrative Police
It was truly a privilege as our friend in the military police, Commander Nyawa Murinzi, invited our team to share with the dedicated young men who serve their country at the Kwale Post. Their countenance was brightened to know we cared and would bring words to encourage and bless them as they faithfully serve. I shared a message with scriptures to remind them: 1. "God is for you"; 2. "God is with you"; 3. "God is in you". These folks depend daily on the strength of the Lord to help them.
Church Visits and Pastor/Leader Conference
After leaving Kwale area we went to a different region of Kenya and preached in two churches that had recently been built in the remote villages. Many village people came to give praise and thank God for the provision of a church that now is a lighthouse of the gospel to their people. Before leaving we hosted an all day pastor/leader conference. I preached to them about the Holy Spirit and the power of His partnership with them. Several received the gift of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in another language. Expressions of thanks were heard as they left encouraged and equipped to carry on their assignments from God.


Guatemalan Bible School
I was invited to teach bible classes with Missionaries Larry & Marla Johnson at their ministry center in Chiquimula. The pastors from Remnant of Judah Church and a few other church pastors have committed to come for seven months to receive this biblical training. They receive a certificate upon completion.
Subjects I covered with them were Healing, Intercession, Authority, Holy Spirit and Motivation Gifts.
These pastors, by their diligence are proving the scripture in 2 Timothy 2:15, "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth."
It's a joy to see them receive the teaching of the Word of God.

Preaching on the Mountain Top
High on top of a mountain, is the little chorti village of Las Flores Guayabo, on the Guatemala/Honduras border. Pastor Calletano began with the first soul saved in June 2015. Soon he had a small group of believers that needed a place to worship. As they prayed, the Lord answered their prayers and Grace Global Outreach built a church for them. (GGO is a church building outreach of my home church.) Now there are 18 adults plus all the children as the gospel continues to impact this little village and crosses borders into Honduras with the gospel.
I was invited to give message for the dedication service. I rejoiced with them for the great things the Lord has done as they now have a church. I encouraged them to look forward to see the things God wants to do and, with His help, they will reach more people on the mountain and in their village with the gospel. The presence of the Lord was so sweet as we ended the service praying for the people.